Consumer Behavior Insights
Customers become territorial as they “claim” spaces to work. How and why does this happen?
Find out how a Snapchat influencer raising $1 million for Somalia in 24 hours reflects network hubs.
What makes for a desirable review website? And how much information do consumers actually need before making what they feel is an informed decision?
In 2004, Chanel spent $33 million dollars on a commercial for its No. 5 perfume. Was it worth it?
There has been an unexpected source of wisdom and critical thought: The Twitter account of a frozen meat company.
Ever ask yourself, why do you think your friend gave you that gift? Here’s why that may or may not matter.
Who do you think is more satisfied with their life: the millionaire or the average salary earner?
Income and employment status may not matter when people give their time to help others. But research suggests otherwise.
When you think back over the day’s events, what do you remember doing? Long-term memory is remembered in distinct events. This broken up recall is called event segmentation.
The feeling of joy when someone else is in pain is called schadenfreude. We all enjoy a bit of it in our daily lives, but how does schadenfreude impact us as consumers?
Find out the 3 crucial influences of a company revealing the gender pay gap on consumer behavior.