Pop Neuro Blog
The Neuromarketing Blog For The Masses
The neuroscience of color has important implications for a wide range of fields, from design and marketing to health and wellbeing.
LeBron James' breaking of Kareem's record and the following interpretations illustrate the complex interplay between sports statistics and the psychology of statistics.
Memory is your brain’s attempt at connecting you to the past. Learn how memory can improve marketing!
This article will cover what the two consumer behavior motivations that marketers must know.
Learn a simply yet effective marketing strategy as it relates to system 1 & the law of least mental effort.
Moms know a thing or two about the psychology of guilt
Uncover the connection between the neuroscience of memory and emotion and learn how marketing can use it as a memory-booster.
Your brain is a relentless pattern-seeking machine. And these patterns affect consumer behavior in fascinating ways for marketers to note.
Since the brain has declared vision as the VIP amongst senses, you’ll never go wrong by finding more ways to be visual in your marketing.
Everything in marketing comes down to the brain, yet marketers don’t study brains.
The carrot needs to be dangling continuously.
Which of the following hits you harder: losing something or gaining something?
What if I were to tell you that you and everyone else you know is blind AND are entirely unaware of the blindness?
Attention is currency. Attention is a business model. But what is attention, really?
Find out the 3 crucial influences of a company revealing the gender pay gap on consumer behavior.
In 2003, everything changed with “1000 songs in your pocket”.
Find out why smell is to memories what a summary is to books.
What’s the best marketing strategy to make consumers more sustainable?
Can fashion be inclusive? Is fashion truly diverse?
Dive into the fascinating intersection of psychology and marketing and how to use psychological biases in marketing strategy.