POP NEURO Live Webinar on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 — 11 AM-12 PM PST

“Apply the Neuroscience of Pain and Pleasure to Marketing”

Which of the following hits you harder: losing something or gaining something? This thought exercise is the crux of your relationship with pleasure and pain.

This webinar will provide a closer look at pleasure and pain, their effect on consumer behavior, and how to optimize marketing accordingly.

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Past Attendees


Hosted by Authors of Blindsight

Blindsight is the #1 best-selling consumer behavior book on Amazon.

“Blindsight teaches us how to be smarter consumers who make wise decisions that will ultimately leave us happier, wealthier, and healthier.”— Adam Alter, New York Times bestselling author of Drunk Tank Pink and Irresistible

With eye-opening science, engaging stories, and fascinating real-world examples, neuroscientist Matt Johnson, PhD and neuromarketer Prince Ghuman dive deep into the surprising relationship between brains and brands.

In Blindsight, they showcase how marketing taps every aspect of our mental lives, covering the neuroscience of pain and pleasure, emotion and logic, fear and safety, attention and addiction, and more.
