POP NEURO Live Webinar on NOVEMBER 18, 2021 — 11 AM-12 PM PST

“Apply the Neuroscience of Memory to Marketing”

Learn the neuroscience of memory and how you can apply it to design, ads, e-commerce, branding, retail, creatives, communications, and much more.

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Past Attendees

Hosted by Authors of Blindsight

Blindsight is the #1 best-selling consumer behavior book on Amazon.

“Blindsight teaches us how to be smarter consumers who make wise decisions that will ultimately leave us happier, wealthier, and healthier.”— Adam Alter, New York Times bestselling author of Drunk Tank Pink and Irresistible

With eye-opening science, engaging stories, and fascinating real-world examples, neuroscientist Matt Johnson, PhD and neuromarketer Prince Ghuman dive deep into the surprising relationship between brains and brands.

In Blindsight, they showcase how marketing taps every aspect of our mental lives, covering the neuroscience of pain and pleasure, emotion and logic, fear and safety, attention and addiction, and more.


Learn Tactical Insights on Memory

Can you remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday? How about what you ate for breakfast last Tuesday? Or how about your breakfast on July 1st, 2007? It’s a tough one.

But if you asked Bob Petrella, you’d be amazed. Bob’s rare condition—Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM)—enables him to remember every single breakfast he’s eaten for the past 40 years.

Clearly, memory doesn’t typically work like this. For the rest of us, memory isn’t a faithful replay of all previous experiences, but a suggestible, re-creative process. What this means is that there’s no straightforward path between experience and later recollection. Our brain isn’t optimizing for accuracy.

What does this mean for marketing? The better you can understand the nature of memory, the better you can design experiences that leave the strongest, more enduring impressions.

Memory is complex, but harnessing its insights doesn’t have to be.