On Change: From Social Movements, Financial Behaviors, and Advertising
A new year means it’s time for a change. This month’s top reads is focused on change—from social movements to spending patterns to 80s commercials. Let’s dive into how things change, why they do, and how they can last.
Image: Alex Radelich, Unsplash
Image: Jasper Garratt, Unsplash
Image: Meriç Dağlı, Unsplash
Change Doesn't Happen Overnight, But Research Shows How Social Movements Succeed
Last year saw massive protests across the country for many different reasons. Equality, justice, and political movements took to the streets to have their voices heard. But what makes a movement stay? And what makes them fall apart? Recent consumer behavior research has pinpointed a few points that lead to sticky movements. Galvanizing bystanders to join a cause, empowering them to connect and support others, and keeping clear goals in mind will help your movement stand the test of time and create real change.
The Pandemic Altered Financial Behaviors For Many. Here's What We Can Expect to Change for Good
No one can deny that the past year has been tough. The pandemic has shoved everyone inside and online, changing consumer experiences dramatically. But as the vaccine rolls out, marketers and consumer behavior experts have been discussing what long-term differences will be evident in how we shop. Most changes related to the pandemic have been negative, but some have changed for the better, such as saving money and being careful about where we shop. Time will tell if these changes stick, but experts and our own behavior suggest the chances are good.
Advertising Then and Now: How '80s Commercials Differ from Today
While a lot has changed in the last year, the world of the 80s is a literal lifetime away. As products and trends change, the way customers are marketed to changes as well. Commercials from the 80s used catchy jingles and relied on the product itself to sell. But as customers have grown more media-savvy, modern brands nowadays feel they need to focus on telling a story with their ads and have a deeper message behind them.
Dive into the fascinating intersection of psychology and marketing and how to use psychological biases in marketing strategy.