On the Psychology of Motivation, New Year Resolutions, and of Buying a Home
As the year winds to a close we start to focus on what’s to come in 2021. Whether it’s a new house, goal, or how we can keep our New Year’s Resolutions, there’s a lot our brain will need to work towards in the coming year.
Image: Luc Bélanger, Unsplash
Image: Håkon Sataøen, Unsplash
Image: Rateek Katyal, Unsplash
The Psychology of Buying a Home
As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. But it turns out it’s not just our hearts that like houses. Our brains associate houses with a number of positive traits. Safety, community, and permanence are all important aspects of helping us as humans feel fulfilled. The psychological need to feel like you’re advancing in life also plays a role. It’s important to have a roof over your head, but equally as important is making sure that roof really feels like home.
There's A Scientific Reason Some People Are More Motivated Than Others — But It's Possible To Change
We’ve all felt it. The power, the sense of accomplishment, the motivation to get things done. Unfortunately, some people have a much tougher time finding that than others. So, how do some people stay so motivated? And how can you do it too? As with most things, it starts with the brain. Psychologists recommend setting and celebrating small goals, focus on single goals, and remember, motivation, it’s all in your head.
New Year, New Start? This Is How To Keep Your Resolutions
With the new year comes new resolutions. We tell ourselves we won’t eat as much, we will work out every day, and we will be better with our savings. But fast forward a month, a week, or a few days and most of us have already forgotten the goals we set for ourselves. So, how do we keep our resolutions? For starters, goals work better when they are approach-oriented. So instead of saying you won’t do something, try replacing the habit with something else. Instead of going at it alone, try getting a friend for support. Work with your brain, not against it.
Dive into the fascinating intersection of psychology and marketing and how to use psychological biases in marketing strategy.