On Tribal Psychology, Emotions, Decision-Making, and Art of Selling
Illustration: Meme
How Brands Like SoulCycle and Airbnb are Actually Kinda Cult-Like
Brands create super fans that would give an arm and a leg for them. In return, they make their customers feel part of a special, select community. Companies such as SoulCycle and Airbnb have benefited from this strategy in moments of crisis. If you want to understand more about super fans and brand communities check this article on cult-like brands.
Image: Wall Street Journal, Valentin Flauraud/EPA/Shutterstock
The Big Business of Saying Farewell to Fans
Everyone wants to see their favorite artist on stage before they retire. What if it’s not actually their last time? Farewell tours are the new trend among entertainers since they can charge high-prices and sell out in seconds. Elton John has been on a farewell tour for three years. At the time of writing, his goodbye tour has no end date. Other famous entertainers like Cher and KISS made millions by marketing during their farewell tours before ultimately having a change of heart and coming out of ‘retirement.'
Image: Sydney Rae, Unsplash
How Your Personality Influences Decision Making
The infinite amount of products and services we face every day making purchase decisions harder than ever. Research and doubt are our best friends, but they lead to paralysis or buyer’s remorse. What saves the day? Knowing our personality and how we deal with choices. To understand more about how our personality influences our consumer behavior, check out this article.
The Art of Selling Cosmetics
Have you ever gone to a store to get one specific thing, but end up buying more than expected? We may blame our lack of self-control but stores are actively designed to induce customers to make purchase decisions at the last second. Sephora, the world’s largest cosmetics retailer, is a master in the art of making us spend more money than expected. Check out the video to see how they do it.
Dive into the fascinating intersection of psychology and marketing and how to use psychological biases in marketing strategy.