On Going Green, Deep Fakes by Facebook, and the Colors of Christmas
Image: Imani Clovis, Unsplash
The False Promises of Green Materialism
Did you know that buying less is not only good for the environment, but also for your mental health? Recent research on financial behavior suggests that going green is actually buying less and smartly. Check the article and see the implications of going green.
Image: Mike MacKenzie, Flickr
Facebook Plans to Use Deep Fakes… For Good
From being able to transport yourself to a chat room where you can transform yourself—something like an instant photoshop—to having a personal assistant that helps you pick your outfits, Facebook will soon change the way we interact in social media. Check out the article and see how brands can benefit from these new tools.
Image: Toni Cuenca, Unsplash
How Red And Green Became The Colors of Christmas
Just like a hot Pumpkin Spice Latte on a Fall afternoon, colors and seasons go together. And Christmas is no exception. Check the article to understand why colors matter, and the importance of a global brand to the holiday.
Yeezy or Crocs?
Image: @theyeezymafia, Twitter
Kanye is launching his new Yeezy with Crocs—I mean Adidas. It may not be the prettiest pair, but it’s expected to be an instant sell-out. Here’s the bigger question: How many times have you purchased a product only because it was associated with someone you like?
Dive into the fascinating intersection of psychology and marketing and how to use psychological biases in marketing strategy.